Vacation Bible School Volunteer- 2024

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Information About You

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VBS Week

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Thank you for volunteering for Vacation Bible School! Our youth are a TREMENDOUS resource and we value YOU! Below are some guidelines for volunteering with the children.

1. I agree to motivate, encourage, reassure and comfort the children whenever necessary.

2. I agree to stay with my group or in my area at all times, unless I am on a break or asked to perform other duties.

3. I agree to be a good role model for the children by using good manners, appropriate behavior, kind words and treating others with dignity.

4. I agree not to place myself in the position of being alone in a room with a child for my own safety and the safety of the children.

5. I agree to not take photos of the children and not to have cell phones out during my time with them.

6. I agree to attend both VBS Trainings and help 'strike' down decorations on Saturday, July 29th.


Sunday, June 23rd at 1pm

Sunday, July 21st at 1pm

TRAINING DATE (Mandatory for 1st-year Volunteers and encouraged for others):

Saturday, July 13th at 10am

7. I grant permission for Faith House Calvary Chapel to record pictures or videos of me while on church property. I also give permission to FHCC to use these images or videos in church print and online publications (including church websites and social media).

8. I will complete a free mandated reporter training and get LiveScanned through the Department of Justice. 

By submitting this form says that I agree with the above and I am accepting the responsibility of caring for and helping to supervise children.

Please select all that apply.


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